Support & Giving

Click here to register and help raise funds for St Philip’s
You can support St Philip’s in a simple and easy way with no cost to yourself. ‘Easy Fundraising’ provide a FREE fundraising service where you can raise funds for St Philip’s when you shop online. You can choose from over 600 of the UK’s best-known retailers including many popular names such as Amazon, Next, Argos, John Lewis and HMV, and when you shop using the link below up to 15% from every purchase you make is donated to St Philip’s Church. It doesn’t cost you a penny extra to shop and raise funds using the ‘Easy Fundraising’ site.
How does it work?
‘Easy Fundraising’ provide a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for St Philip.
You still shop directly with each retailer as you would normally, but by using the links below, each purchase you make will generate a CASH BACK donation to the church. For example WH Smith will donate 3.5%, Amazon 2.5%, Direct Line £35.00for car insurance, O2 £17.50 for a mobile purchase and so on at no extra cost to your purchase
Why do retailers support your fundraising?
It seems very generous, but when you buy online the cost to the retailer is much lower. As there’s no shop, salesperson, heating, electricity, rate etc so retailers are more than happy to help good causes when new online customers are introduced to them via our website.
Will I pay anything extra?
No. You pay the same prices exactly as if you visited each retailer’s website directly. Using the ‘Easy Fundraising’ service will not cost you a penny more than you would pay normally.
How much can I raise?
Up to 15% of every purchase is donated, depending on which retailer you select and what you buy and how much you spend. The exact donation that will be paid is displayed directly next to each retailer listing.
What next?
The ‘Easy Fundraising’ service is easy to use and it’s completely FREE. To start please register so they know that you are supporting St Philip’s. Then just remember to use the ‘Easy Fundraising’ site the next time you shop online!
Thank You For Your Valued Support of St Philip’s Church
Click here to register and help raise funds for St Philip’s

The Friends of St Philip’s (FOSP) was established in 2012 by the PCC to acquaint a wider group of people with the mission and ministry of St Philip’s.
The object of the scheme is to acquaint a wider group of people with the mission and ministry, and support the ongoing work and maintenance of St Philip’s buildings and grounds. This includes the restoration, repair, preservation, maintenance, improvement to facilities, development and beautification of the church, associated church halls and relates to building structures, fixtures, equipment, furniture, ornaments and stained glass works.
Becoming a Friend of St Philip’s is open to individuals and groups of any nationality, living in the UK and elsewhere who support our aims and are interested in furthering the work of FOSP. Those interested in joining the FOSP will have to pay an annual subscription as determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.
Annual Membership Fees:
£20 for individuals living in the UK
£30 for households living in the UK
£40 for overseas membership
£300 for life membership, wherever the applicant lives
Payment Method:
- By cheque payable to St Philip’s Church PCC
Becoming a Friend:
If you would like to become a ‘friend’, print the membership form available here, complete and send with your cheque to:
Mrs Jo Cranfield, St Philip’s Church, Beech Road, London SW16 4NW, UK
We will keep you informed about our religious and social events and activities with opportunities to support social and fund raising events. c/o St Philip’s Church, Beech Road, Norbury, London SW16 4NW
gifts or offers
If you would like to donate to St Philip’s towards the work of our church or its upkeep you can do this online:
or scan this QR code:
If you would like to donate a gift or offer a donation in memory of a loved one, you can help us by buying or contributing towards the cost of a variety of items that we need to buy for St Philip’s.
The Churchwardens will be happy to provide more information.